Montag, 10. Mai 2010

Webapp hacking

I just stumbled across a cool application which allows you to legally test most of the security holes without any effort. Try it out....

Montag, 29. März 2010

Linux Server Profiling

Heres a good article about linux server profiling using iostat, sar, blktrace,...
Especially the part about blktrace is very interesting because it isn't as famous as iostat (i didn't know it by now...)

Linux Server Profiling

Sonntag, 28. März 2010

NoSQL relativized

Yesterday i stumbled over an excellent article that questions the pretences made by Digg.
I think this is very worth reading because the NoSQL debate is just overhyped these days.

The Impact of SSDs on Database Performance and the Performance Paradox of Data Explodification

UPDATE: Here is another good article about RDBMS vs NOSQL:

NoSQL vs. RDBMS: Apples and Oranges?